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Yee haaa
Now I'm gonna tell you a story about a little girl
Hoping down the medows happy as can be
Ponnytails are waveing in the wind when she runs
All the cowboys looking and wants her in the hay
If you want me boys come you gotta catch me first
If you want me boys show me what you've got!
If you want me boys come you gotta catch me first
You gotta use your voice and sing this song with me
We're singing!
Na na na na na na Na na na na na na…
Yee haaa
Yee haaa
All the cowboys fighting the bootjacks flying in the air
They wanted her attention but she wasn't really there
The girl was very special she promised every boy in town
The winter get's to take her but she just played around
If you want me boys come you gotta catch me first
If you want me boys show me what you've got!
If you want me boys come you gotta catch me first
You gotta use your voice and sing this song with me
We're singing!
Na na na na na na Na na na na na na…
Yee haaa
Yee haaa
Do you want me boys Do you want some Boom Boom!?
I know you want to
Come on and show me
Yee haaa
Na na na na na na na na na na na na…