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John Barrowman - What about us
Guess we been talking too longWe know what we needSeparately...You say the honeymoon''s overI don''t wanna pushBut what about us?Is ringing in my headIs not what u sayIs what you have saidSo... What about us?What about love?What about sayingThat we''ll never give upTo won a flame youWe''re in dangerSo... What about us?Guess we been trying too hardWe missunderstoodWhat''s good for usI''m tired emocionally insideNight after nigthWe fight to we cryI don''t know what''s wrong or right?(What''s wrong or righ)Is every word you saidWhat''s really on your mind?So... What about us?What about love?What about sayingThat we''ll never give upTo won a flame youWe''re in dangerSo... What about us?When we love... we lieWhen we talk... we hideMaybe I''m searching lightI''m boredConfusedWhat are we? to you?What do we do when... ?What do we do... when?What about us?What about love?What about sayingThat we''ll never give upTo won a flame youWe''re in dangerSo... What about us?So... What about us?What about love?What about sayingThat we''ll never give upTo won a flame youWe''re in dangerSo... What about us?