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大概一个月前,跟从迦合计着改了宇多田光的 桜流し 的英文版。
如果发现歌词有问题,请联系从迦(微博:@从迦要总吃荔枝) 售后服务!就这么愉快地决定了!(***队友五百年……
Sakura Nagashi
Lyrics rearranged by 从迦, 翻云
Watching those cherry blossoms still in bloom falling down
You said, “It was too short for those flowers lasting through this year”
Disappointment and sympathy hiding in your voice
Showed your sadness
Yet I still believe you’re enchanted to me
If you had a chance to find me once again
I wonder what you’d think of me here without you
Everybody finds love
Everybody finds love
In the end
In the end
If you could hear newborns crying healthily in the city
That you once protected
I know you~ would be pleased and proud of me
Watching how we are stepping into the future
I can still feel the warmth that you left to me
Everybody finds love
In the end
I can t believe that there is no chance
I’ll never see your face and smile again
I haven t told you anything yet
I haven t told you anything yet
Watching those cherry blossoms still in bloom falling down
Empty branches stay here alone just like how I am now
No matter how great the fear is, I will not look away
If it’s the end of everything, there will always be love