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Danger Girl - C-Real
Lyrics: S.H.Y
(转载请注明出处 3Q!!!)
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Here we go again and again
Everytime you say give you last chance
I was so stupid to believe you would be faithful to me
It never seem like your gonna change your mine mine
How could I believe your words? Why did I trust in you?
You said I'm the one but everyday you would take off your
couple ring and secretly go dating
Oh why did I think you were the one? (eh eh eh, eh eh eh)
You change the words but it's still a same song
(We just keep repeating repeating the same old stuff again!)
I'm so sick and tired of this...
You better watch out!!
I ma danger girl
You better watch out!
I ma bad girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Just pack your stuff and go away
You better watch out!!
I ma danger girl
You better watch out!
I ma bad girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
I will find someone better than you!
I still remember cryin' every night becoz' of you boy
I do regret the time when all I think about is you boy
I realized I don't care what you do or think about me
How could I be so stupid to believe you really love me?
You fooled me hundred times with your lies, you BAD BOY!
You turned it all around this time I'll be the BAD GIRL!
I'll make you cry just like a LOSER
I'll make sure you lose this game we called LOVE
You change the words but it's still a same song
(We just keep repeating repeating the same old stuff again!)
I'm so sick and tired of this...
You better watch out!!
I ma danger girl
You better watch out!
I ma bad girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Just pack your stuff and go away
You better watch out!!
I ma danger girl
You better watch out!
I ma bad girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
I will find someone better than you
You say you don't like me no more
that you don't need me anymore.
You say you hate me, so what are you sorry for?
Don't tell me that you need me!!!
You better watch out!!
I ma danger girl
You better watch out!
I ma bad girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
You better watch out!!
I ma danger girl
You better watch out!
I ma bad girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Just pack your stuff and go away
You better watch out!!
I ma danger girl
You better watch out!
I ma bad girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
Da-Da-Da-Da-Danger girl
I will find someone better than you!