Here you are Daylight's star 你就像黎明的星辰
Made out of miracles 由奇迹产生
Perfection Of your own 完美无暇
You Alone Oh so incredible如此难以置信你独一无二
Each atom Sings to me每个细胞都在对我歌唱
"Set me free From chains of the physical" 带我离开肉体的束缚
Oh free me, Oh free me 哦 让我自由,哦 让我自由
The mirror melts I'm somewhere else某处印迹将我融入
Inside eternity Where you on 就在你的永远里
Outstretched wings Sing within 张开双翼歌唱着
The Garden of Everything 万物的花园
Where memories Call to me 到底是何处的记忆呼唤着我
Backward dreams? Or phantom reality?是过去的梦 还是真实的幻象
Call to me, they call to me 呼唤着我 它们呼唤着我
So here we are Lovers of Lost Dimensions 我们是失落次元的恋人
Burning supernovas of all sound and sight燃烧着超新星的火热缠绵
(遥か远いあなたのもとへ) 向着远方的你飞去
(いつか空はひとつに系がる) 总有一天天空会连在一起
Every touch, a temptation 每一次触碰都是一种诱惑
And for every sense, a sensation 对每一处感官 都是一次感动