It's 5 o'clock in the morning
The conversation got boring You said you were going to bed soon So I snuck off to your bedroom And I thought I'd just wait there Until I heard you come up the stairs And I pretended I was sleeping And I was hoping you would creep in with me 总有那么一首歌你会愿意安静的听 我将要讲的故事主角她也很安静 在她快满18岁的时候离开家 离开熟悉的城市 离开陪伴很久的他 陌生的一切让她觉得好奇 但也只是在刚开始的几个月 也许她真的有了新的朋友新的姐妹新的生活 但到夜深人静的思念她总是无法挣脱 每一通家里电话时间开始越来越少 她总跟电话那头的关心解释自己也过得越来越好 可挂断以后却在黑暗中眼眶被泪环绕思念总无可救药 越是繁华的狂欢让她越加孤单 她开始变得有了女人味 可越美丽越孤单 除了孤单还是孤单 除了孤单还是孤单在每个夜晚 It's 5 o'clock in the morning The conversation got boring You said you were going to bed soon So I snuck off to your bedroom And I thought I'd just wait there Until I heard you come up the stairs And I pretended I was sleeping And I was hoping you would creep in with me 也许真的已经变了 她真的是疲倦了 或者一个爱自己的人能出现来结束这一切呢 有太多问题又如何 现在的她只想能够过得足够安定那就够了 需找那忙碌能让自己忘记孤单 一首伤感的歌居然能听一整晚 很多的伤感似乎没有原因 只是夜幕降临会让思绪变得沉静 也有过男孩深夜给她晚安短信 她不是没有爱情是害怕爱情失去那天她更无法稳定 也许是得过且过 但她小心翼翼不想犯错 或许也会失落 那些思念和回忆已经藏在心底 她一包沉甸甸的哭泣过的悲伤和美食备忘 已记在日记本里和心情流浪 孤单的歌在播放 她想 It's 5 o'clock in the morning The conversation got boring You said you were going to bed soon So I snuck off to your bedroom And I thought I'd just wait there Until I heard you come up the stairs And I pretended I was sleeping And I was hoping you would creep in with me |