【饭团】Quicksand Juses
She caught the melting sky
It burned but still the winter passes
by and by
To the other side冬季的掠过最终还是层层夺走了天空中她紧握的余热
A slow parade of wind
That blows through threes
That wilted with the season’s children 残风拂树,像季节更迭一样枯萎。
Are we saved by the words
of bastard saints 难道我们都被那些混蛋圣徒们巧言令色所拯救?
Do we live in fear or faith 我们是为了恐惧还是为了信念活着?
Tell me now who’s behind the rain 请告诉我!!什么才是真相!!
A maze of tangled grace 迷宫般混乱的祈祷
The symptoms of ?for real? are
crumbling from embrace 这种形式的皈依把真谛碾得粉碎
But still we chase..the shadows 但我们却还一如既往的去追寻信仰的黑影
of belief
And new religion clouds our visions of
the roots of our souls 衍生出来的新信仰也都一样让灵魂蒙尘
Are we ashamed of our own fate 我们会为我们选择的命运而羞愧么?
Or play the fool for our own sake 或者只像傻子一样追名逐利?
Tell me who’s behind the rain 告诉我!!!什么才是真相!!!??
What do we need where do we go 我们需要什么?我们何去何从?
When we get where we don’t know 何时会在何地?我们不知道……
Why should we doubt the virgin white
of fallen snow 为什么我们要怀疑处女般的圣洁?
When faith’s our shelter from the cold 信仰只是我们绝望的一个避难所罢了!
What do we need where do we go
When we get where we don’t know
Why should we doubt the virgin white
of fallen snow
When faith’s our shelter from the cold
Quicksand Jesus I’m so far away 易逝的信仰啊!我已远离你!~
without you
Quicksand Jesus I’m so far away
without you
Quicksand Jesus I’m so far away
without you
Quicksand Jesus I need you 易逝的信仰啊!我需要你?!
Quicksand Jesus I belive you 易逝的信仰啊!我信任你?!
Quicksand Jesus I’m so far away 易逝的信仰啊!我已远离你!!