伤つけ合った言叶も 重ねた泪も 即使是彼此伤害的言语
kizutsuke a atako tobamo kasane ta ana midamo~
いつかは想い出になるよ 抑或日复一日的泪滴
itsukawa omoi deni na ruyo
だから…迹切れたMelody 不知不觉中也已成为回忆
dakara...togireta Melody
胸に抱きしめて 明日も生きるだろう 所以…把那段中断的旋律深藏在心底
mune ni da kishimete ashita mo ikiru daro
贵方に会えなくても 明天仍然如常继续
anatani aena kutemo
Sing without you I'll sing without you
Can't you feel my heart Falling through the rain
I sing without you I sing without you
Can't you hold my tears Cause, still I love you
Sing without you I'll sing without you
Can't you feel my pain There's nothing I can do
still have a longing for your memory仍然眷恋与你一起的那段回忆
伤つくだけでも 心を伝えたいよ 真实的心意 只想传达于你
Kizutsu kudake demo kokoro wo tsutaetai yo
今は…独りにしないで 如今 不管是否独身一人
ima wa...hitori nishi nai de
降り注ぐ雨に 坏れそうな梦 倾盆大雨中梦濒临破碎支离
Furi soso gua meni kowa reso ona yume
明日も奏でるかる 明天还是会奏响一样的旋律
ashitawo kanade rukara
Sing without you I'll sing without you
Can't you feel my heart Falling through the rain
I sing without you Can't you hold my tears
Cause, still I love you
I Sing without you I'll sing without you
Can't you feel my heart Falling through the rain
I sing without you Can't you hold my tears
Cause, still I love you