【筱馨】Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
【树姨】Wu~ 搜几ki马拉改 要gi噶几噶
穷买马几马gi阿娘 no more, I’m so tired
【(伴唱)亚亚】阿娘 no more, I’m so tired
【筱馨】Wu~ jo跟ki大力改 nun木波一几能马
And the tears in your eyes tellin’ me goodbye
【亚亚】Some days 胡还哈改几 【SK】Oh~~oh~
Some days 乌ki多哈改几 【SK】Oh~~oh~
Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah
【(伴唱)树姨】that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah
【SK】闹V还莫等靠ju改 【树姨】Oh~~oh~
闹V还撒狼饿还改 【树姨】Oh~~oh~
And now my heart is depleted 【树姨】depleted
肯带闹外还黑 hey hey 【树姨】Oh~
【合】Stop girl, in the name of love
Stop girl, in the name of love Eh Eh
Stop girl, in the name of love
【亚亚】古门阿你高丫 I know your love isn’t real
【筱馨】Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
【筱馨】And I know that 一根撒狼一阿你家那
无力给米啊你家那 u~
【亚亚】Some days 胡还哈改几
Some days 乌ki多哈改几
Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah
【(伴唱)树姨】that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah
【SK】闹V还莫等靠ju改 【亚亚】Oh~~oh~
闹V还撒狼饿还改 【亚亚】Oh~~oh~
And now my heart is depleted 【亚亚】depleted
肯带闹外还黑 hey hey
【合】Stop girl, in the name of love
Stop girl, in the name of love Eh Eh
Stop girl, in the name of love
【SK】古门阿你高丫 I know your love isn’t real
【甜甜】NOW STOP 一节困慢还一龙狂改
【筱馨】STOP 卡跟们你噶提别那挖
【合】Stop girl, in the name of love
【树姨】in the name of love
【合】Stop girl in the name of love Eh Eh
【合】Stop girl in the name of love
【主SK+树姨】古门阿你高丫I know your love isn’t real~~~~
克来多扫咯奥不惜 塞素OP家那 【树姨】塞素OP家那
闹多哼等改几那多奶阿拉 【树姨】那多奶阿拉
克来多扫咯奥不惜 塞素OP家那
【筱馨】古门阿你高丫I know your love isn’t real~~~~
【合】Stop girl, in the name of love