作者:陈颖波 ① 西樵八宝赛啰赛!唱响南国赛啰赛! 西樵八宝赛啰啰哩赛!唱响北国赛啰啰哩赛! “南学”文化中西融, 有为著作首其中。 历史记载《大同书》, 尚有两大状元公。 ② “南拳”宗师黄飞鸿, 武高医德威望重。 弘扬国粹为己任, 匡扶正义显英雄。 ③ “南纱”文化当先锋, 简村启沅继昌隆。 后人承传成大业, 西樵布艺创巅峰。 ④ “南狮”西樵最威风, 誉满南北和西东。 十年全国争霸战, 飞鸿狮艺立头功。 ⑤ 西樵八宝赛啰赛!根生南国赛啰赛! 西樵八宝赛啰啰哩赛!耀祖光宗赛啰啰哩赛! “南道”往来粤西东, 道家文化处处通。 道教领袖数葛洪, 岭南文化融其中。 ⑥ “南佛”观音人称颂, 印度僧人有苦功。 远道重洋传佛教, 伟绩载入史册中。 ⑦ “南文”小说话打工, 岭南文才重中重。 翻开中国文学史, 方知英才南祖宗。 ⑧ “南艺”南国红豆红, 岭南文艺娱大众。 粤剧粤曲有特色, 越听越觉情意浓。 注:《西樵组歌》参加中国音乐家协会歌曲编辑部2013年全国征歌大赛荣获金奖,高居年度金曲榜首。 126. Eight Treasures of Xiqiao 翻译:何高大、陈琳慧 ① Lingnan School melts west and east. Kang Youwei’s works top the list. His thought “Datongshu”, ideal world is remembered, another two top scholars are mentioned. ② Huang Feihong, the master of Nanquan Boxing, enjoys good reputation for Gongfu and medical. Carrying forward the quintessence of Chinese culture, he is burdened it as own duty, like a hero doing justice. ③ “Cantonese textile” is the pioneer. Chen Qiyuan from Jiancun was the founder. His descendants succeed the cause, thriving Xiqiao textile masterful. ④ Most prestigious is Xiqiao’s lion dance, Reputed across the nation, won prizes. Ten years games struggling for competitions, Feihong’s lion dance headed the first place. (To be continued) 注:《西樵组歌》参加中国音乐家协会歌曲编辑部2013年全国征歌大赛荣获金奖,高居年度金曲榜首。 126. Eight Treasures of Xiqiao (Continued) 翻译:陈琳慧、何高大 ⑤ Spreads in Guangdong the Lingnan Tao, Connecting our cultures north and south. One Taoist leader named Ge Hong, He blended Cantonese culture with the thoughts of Tao. ⑥ Guanyin the Mercy Buddha is eulogized. Pains of Indian monks should be memorized. Crossing the ocean they spread the Buddha’s creed, So shines the history their achievement indeed. ⑦ So important is the Lingnan literature, With the working class as its focus. Throughout the history of Chinese literature, Lingnan’s talents have made tremendous glories ⑧ Art of Lingnan is at its prime, Entertaining the civilians at all times. Special and unique is the Cantonese opera. It captures the sentiment of every heart. |