志愿者赞歌 Song of Volunteers
王恒芙 林荣词 Lyrics by: Wang Hengfu/ Lin Rong
闫志勇曲 Composed by: Yan Zhiyong
仿佛阳光带来温暖, You bring warmth like sunshine,
仿佛雨露洒下甘甜。 You s**** rainy dew like honey.
你用笑容面对困难, Facing odds, you show smile,
你用行动兑现诺言。 Keeping promise, you take action.
啊— 需要时,你伸手相助,Ah--- When in need, you offer help.
啊— 危难时你挺身向前。Ah--- When in danger, you stand ahead.
啊— 啊— 立潮头心手相牵。Ah--- Ah--- Bravely, hand in hand.
扬正气弘传德善。 We promote healthy trend and spread moral good.
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仿佛清泉滋润心田, You warm the hearts like spring,
仿佛春风轻抚山川。 You stroke the mountains like wind.
你用热血展现风采, Grace is shown by your passion,
你用大爱点亮明天。 Hope is lightened by your love.
啊— 助他人你不忘初心, Ah--- To help others, you stay true to the mission
啊— 解忧难你勇挑重担。 Ah--- To ease the pain,you take the burden.
啊— 啊— 促和谐无私奉献。Ah--- Ah--- To promote harmony, you devote yourselves.
送关爱春满人间。 The world is filled with warmth and love.
送关爱春满人间! The world is filled with warmth and love.